LA FAMÍLIA PROFESSIONAL DE SANITAT VISITA EL CIFP LOS GLADIOLOS PER A CONÈIXER EL PROJECTE ‘Teleformación y laboratorio de realidad mixta con gafas Hololens’

El passat més de setembre el professor Tiago Mesquida del departament de la família professional de Sanitat de l’IES Cap de Llevant va visitar el CIFP “Los Gladiolos”, ubicat a Santa Cruz de Tenerife, per tal de conèixer un innovador projecte… Llegeix més»


Mercè, Laura and Marc our CAI VET students have started their one month internship in Ljubljana this week. Today we had the chance to visit all the school labs and meet many of their students and teachers.

We were also introduced to the hospital staff and met residents, nurses and therapists. Thanks dear partners and specially Maja Klančič for this very warm welcome!